Tuesday 6 June 2017

FMP Progress 7

This week I created what I am confident are going to be some final pieces, I added a black to pink gradient background to make the imagery stand out more, I'm happy with the result and look of the images, I have my full art style for this project fully finished now.

FMP Progress 6

This week I have created several different pieces of work which I think will be final designs, I'm quite happy with the outcome of these designs as they look good and they give me a good idea of what the final product will be.

Wednesday 10 May 2017

FMP Progress 5

This week I have experimented more with my primary imagery, I've started to super-impose my logo onto clothing and I've also started to come up with ideas for a front cover. An idea that I like is having the city being constricted by the Gorgon logo.

Here are some experiments that I've done:

Thursday 30 March 2017

FMP Progress 4

Last week I researched into hacking organisations' names to gather ideas, I looked at real life hacking groups and fictional ones from games and films etc. I came up with a few ideas of a name for the hacker group for my game, I decided on Gorgon because of the snake theme.

Here is a logo design for the "Gorgon" hacking faction:

Thursday 23 March 2017

FMP Progress 4

During this week I have done more experiments with the glitch art style and come up with a title for the new game, I have also discussed ideas amongst my peers for a new logo. The final idea that I came up with was that a different faction is taking over the old faction so the logo would have a "circle of life" theme to it, the idea is to have the new faction's logo eating the old faction's logo.

Here are some mock up experiments I've done so far:

Tuesday 21 March 2017

FMP Progress 3

Last week I did various research on different art styles and typography styles, I also did research on Gilbert & George for my project. At the end of the week I did a couple of experiments to get a grasp of the general art style that I'll be using.

Friday 17 March 2017

FMP Progress 2

So I've started to think about where I'm going to get my primary imagery from and I've done further research into art styles and artists, as well as doing a few experiments with selective colouring paired with thresholded imagery.