Wednesday 25 November 2015

Mountain Experiment

In today's session I decided to use my piece that I created in Gill's session and edit it in Photoshop, I created 2 versions, one realistic silhouette setting and a very bold silhouette setting, I really like the idea of using silhouettes with an abstract and colourful background as they are both bold in different ways and the viewer likes to look at the whole image as there is no real focal point, however, in this image the focal point can be the flag on the top of the mountain.

My Backgrounds

Here are some images that I created in session, I'm quite proud of them, the first image was created with 100% primary imagery and the other 3 were created with a photo of Manchester Cathedral I took with a background of a nebula that I took from the internet then edited it.

Monday 23 November 2015

Andrew Peutherer

Andrew Peutherer is an artists I like and have researched, I like this image especially as this is something similar as to what I'd like to do for my final piece.


Saw this whilst browsing the internet, I like the way different shades of black and white have been used to create depth such as foreground and background.


I found this image on how to draw a nebula, this could be useful for my next session where I'll be doing this for my final piece

Friday 20 November 2015

Really Cool Helmet

So I saw this helmet on Pinterest, I really like the design on it as it's very fantasy-like and very awesome to look at for a real life helmet.

Fallout 4 Power Armour

So in Fallout 4 power armour has been changed from regular armour to a powered up wearable tank, this means they have changed the model of the power armour to make it look a lot bigger and made it so the different parts of the armour could break down and it is also powered by a fusion core and when it runs out the wearer can no longer run, I think they did this to make the player feel much more powerful whilst wearing it as well as make it feel more important and more like an extension of the player if they rely on it.

Fallout 3 power armour
Fallout; New Vegas power armour
Fallout 4 power armour

Wednesday 18 November 2015


So lately I've been listening to a lot of music on the UKF channel on YouTube recently and I really like the visual effect they have as the song is playing, they use graphical effects to match the beat of the track that's playing, this makes for a really cool and enjoyable watching experience whilst listening to it, it's also like visualising the music. I could try to replicate something like this in a future lesson as we're doing video editing/creating currently.

Friday 6 November 2015


Oliviero Toscani created advertisements that could be seen as offensive repeatedly, a lot of them were to do with racism and what a racist person's view would be of a certain race for example he created an image which had 3 different human hearts in a line and they were labelled white, black and yellow and this could have been seen as very offensive as Chinese people are often referred to as "yellow" by racists because the colour of their skin has a yellowish tint. Another controversial image he took was one of a man which actually had AIDS lay in a hospital bed and surrounded by his family, The picture was controversial because of its similarity to a pieta painting and because some people thought the use of this image to sell clothing was exploiting the victim, though the Kirby family stated that they allowed the use of the image and it helped increase AIDS awareness.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Tomb Raider

So in this blog I will be talking about the rebooted version of an old franchise called Tomb Raider, this game was designed with the intent to be a reboot to bring back the franchise to popularity, they made it with the intent of it being a pre-qual story to the legend of Lara Croft. What i really really like about this game is that the camera angles are the some of the best I've seen in gaming and I've played a lot of games. The reason the camera angles are so good is that they never obstruct you when you're playing the game, they also provide a good view of Lara whilst your playing and a good view of the area you're climbing whilst also providing a jaw dropping view of the scenery in the distance. Below are a few images of the sort of camera angles I'm talking about.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Fallout 4

So Fallout 4 is a post-apocalyptic game set a few years after the previous game Fallout: New Vegas, your character is of your choosing so you can customise a male or female character and change the appearance through skin-tone, hair colour, eye colour and facial features. Your story will stay the same however despite if you choose different genders, you are the last survivor of Vault 111 and you resurface to the post-apocalyptic land of Boston, America 200 years after the nuclear bomb that dropped. The reason I'm really excited for Fallout 4 is the theories behind the story that fans have come up with, the one that grabs my attention is the theory that the vault you were in is actually a cryo-stasis vault and your character has been in a cryogenic sleep for 200 years. The world you have returned to in Fallout is post-apocalyptic but has been built upon by settlements, there is still crime that circulates as is expected of a worl like this and the most prominent form of danger next to raiders and enclave is the mutated creatures that the radiation has affected.

Friday 2 October 2015

Killian Schoenberger

Killian Schoenberger is a German-Czech photographer who also studied geography in Bonn, Germany and since 2013 he has been living and working in cologne. Another fact about Killian is that he is colour blind but he takes stunning pictures of landscapes and buildings, below I have picked out some of my personal favourites of his work.

Types of Landscape I like

Landscape wise, I like really vast, huge landscapes that really take your breath away or dark with lighting such as lights or plants that glow, these types of landscapes are what I would love to create, to give you an idea I'll leave some images below of the landscapes I find to be the most appealing to my eyes.
Crysis 3
Island village
Game of Thrones
Magical forest
Magical forest 2