Sunday 13 September 2015

Social Media Isn't Bad, It's The People!

Social Media Isn't Bad, It's The People! Is the title of this blog, within this blog I wanted to talk about a lot of the controversy over social media and a lot of people's views views on social media. So to start of it seems like a lot of the older generation and parents think that social media is bad and that it promotes bullying but this isn't the case, in fact social media is a very safe place for the most part and I say for the most part because friends and family can have fall outs and it can cause a lot of upset but there are more than enough options to make your profile as private as you want it, of course there are some exceptions when it comes to people commenting on your posts at first but that's what blocking people is for, social media is an amazing place and you can often meet very interesting new people on their. I'm going to us Xbox Live as an example because this is what I use a lot, a lot of my friends that I know are from meeting them on Xbox Live, we play as a clan on a game called Destiny and our clan is called GBR we all know each other pretty well and we talk outside of Xbox on other social media such as Twitter, does it mean they aren't proper friends? No. Does it mean that I can't trust these people? No. Fact is these people are a lot friendlier than most people I know in real life and it's a good thing meeting new people but just because I haven't met them face to face doesn't mean that I can't call them my friends, of course I have friends that I have met and go to college with but it's shocking how many people still have the same old stereotypical views on people who meet others online, of course you do have to be careful still as at first they are strangers and you do need to get to know them properly before you can put trust into them.

In this section I'll be talking about popular social media and what happens on them to give them a bad reputation for bullying. So Facebook is one of the most used social media sites to date, it has millions upon millions of users so it's no wonder that forms of bullying appears on there, however, since the start of Facebook there have been various updates and features added to it tovmake it a better and safer environment for people, you can adjust your privacy settings on your profile to the point where people who aren't on your friends list won't be able to see your wall and there is also a block option for people who keep harassing you, these same features also apply to Twitter, another very popular social media site but there are some sites that are classed as social media but don't have as many options in terms of blocking or privacy such as YouTube and Twitch, on these social media sites absolutely everyone can see videos you've uploaded and can comment on them with either good things or they can comment abuse which can be stopped but if a lot of people are doing it then it becomes a much harder task to delete these comments as there is no option to block people, this is where social media gets a bad reputation and why parent think that as soon as their child logs online that they'll immedialty get bullied or stalked but this isn't the case, in fact its fairly rare nowadays that cyber bullying happens as a lot of people just ignore it these days and move on, there are options to block, ban, delete and mute people on social media and in videogames so there isn't much reason to let these things get to you.

In this final section I'm going to talk about the brighter side of social media, so all these different sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, etc. Are really great ways to connect with people across the country and even across the world, it also allows you to talk to a community which are similar to you and you can share opinions on things whether it be art, videogames, film, music etc. There is so much that the internet offers us nowadays and even more so, social media. More importantly it's a great way to keep in touch with friends and family that might be too far away to ring, text or visit, see social media isn't bad at all it's just the way is humans behave that can change what kind of environment it is but with all these options for stopping it, it really isn't bad at all, all you have to do is not let anything that anyone says over the internet get you.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Batman & Joker

I found this image of some Batman fan art whilst looking online, I really like this as it shows 3 different styles of Batman the first being very futuristic and space-like, the second being more of a medieval look and the last one being more of a realistic style of a modernised Batman.

In this image there is a picture of Heath Ledger playing as the Joker in The Dark Knight, i really like this image as it can be used for editing easily, I would like to use this for a huge text mask of all the Joker's quotes and words that relate to him as a character.


Impressionism was a type of art that was frowned upon in Paris, France in the 1870's and 1880's it was seen as rebellious art such as graffiti is nowadays, to be called an "impressionist artist" was classed as an insult. Impression is a type of art where the artist would use bold colours and brush strokes to create a realistic painting, impression has grown to be a lot more popular and it also inspired other types of art such as expressionism which was a way to get the artists feelings onto the canvas. A popular and very famous example of expressionism is The Scream by Edvard Munch in 1893, The Scream symbolised Edvard's troubled mind and showed people what he fealt like was going on inside his head.

The Scream - Edvard Munch 1893