Thursday 1 October 2015


So Destiny is a videogame that I play and put a lot of time into, it's a great game and has very good character design which intrigues me. The way the alien races in this game are designed by the developer is based off of historical mythology.

This race is called The Fallen and they're designed around the pirate age with the Captains often wielding dual sabers and having smaller ships compared to the Kells. Kells are the highest ranking amongst the Fallen and have very large Skiffs compared to Captains.




The next race I'd like to talk about is the Cabal, this race of aliens are based off of the old Roman Empire so they have similarities in ranks such as legionaries, phalanx and centurions, they are the heavy hitters of the races with heavy armour, large weapons and they use a lot of explosives.



Ok, next race. So the next race are called the Hive, these are off and inspired by the medieval era, the Hive look like undead and skeletons, their ranks are similar to that of a medieval army so they have acolytes, knights, wizards, ogres, thrall, princes and kings. There are a lot of named Hive enemies such as Crota, Oryx, Ir Anuk, Ir Halak, Ir Yut, Baxx, Urrox, Gulrot, Alak Hul etc. there's a lot of named hive as you can tell.

Crota, Son of Oryx
Oryx, Son of Osmium

The Vex are the 4th race in Destiny and they are based off of Greek mythology, they are a robotic race that were once created by the Traveler but they turned against him and became their own race that can teleport through time and space.





The Taken are the 5th race in Destiny which are the normal races which have been possessed by Oryx, they have more abilities than the other races and they behave very twitchy and often move quicker, a lot of their abilities and shields are also the opposite elemental burn to the normal race that they originally were, meaning if an enemy previously had a solar shield and dealt arc damage they will then deal solar damage and have a void shield when they are Taken.

Taken knight, phalanx, captain, goblin, psion & thrall

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