Friday 2 October 2015


Landscapes are probably the thing I love most about art and games, because a landscape sets the scene for a game a gives off a "feeling" whether it be horror, action, adventure, calm, angry or anything else the setting of the game and its landscape is what makes you get that feeling. A good example of a game which has beautiful landscapes that feel real is Skyrim, this game is huge in terms of how much there is to explore and it has nearly every type of landscape ranging from snowy mountains and lush forests to large oceanic areas and large caves, I think one of my favourite and most memorable area in Skyrim was when I was exploring some Dwemer ruins and it lead me down deeper and deeper into caves until I came across Blackreach, a huge underground Dwemer village which had gigantic glowing mushrooms which looked like jellyfish and the air was a teal sort of colour with little white specs floating around, it looked like what you'd see if you went into the deepest pits of the ocean. I think that Bethesda (the developers of this game) got the idea to create Blackreach from the James Cameron film Avatar as they share similarities such as abnormal plants and it was like the place was alive.
Blackreach, entrance area

Blackreach, mid towers

Blackreach, birds eye view
Blackreach, main towers
Blackreach, waterfalls
Blackreach, concept art
Blackreach, watchtower concept art

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