Friday 2 October 2015

Prototype 2

There's a game that I used to play called Prototype 2 which involved a man who became superhuman through an infectious disease that normally turns people into creatures, one of the things I loved about this game was its art style, it had large populated city areas with different settings for each such as the Red Zone which was a large mutant and military battlefield, it had the infection growing on buildings, had a red sky and had a very large presence of military and mutants, the Yellow Zone had a large military presence with some mutant breakouts but it was full of quarantine zones and gateways put up by the military, the Green Zone was the safe area for the most part, yet still had breakouts. Another thing I loved about this games art style was the cut scenes in the game, everything was black and white but anything that was a bold colour such as blue, red and orange such as explosions, LED's and clothing that were in the main focus of the shot in the scene remained the original colour, I imagined that this art style was inspired by the film Sin City as that also was in black and white but highlighted red areas.
Alex Mercer, Cutscene
James Heller, Cutscene

Alex & James, Cutscene

Alex Mercer & Soldier, Custscene

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