Wednesday 27 January 2016

Jobs I Would Like to Do

Graphic Designer

- UCAS degree, most graphic designers have foundation degrees, HND or degree in graphic design or other art based area.

- Creativity & Imagination
- IT skills
- Drawing skills
- Knowledge of Printing & Photography
- Time Management, Meet Deadlines & Work Within Budget
- Understanding of Trends & Current Styles
- Good Communication
- Good Spelling & Grammar

I'd like to do this job as I'd get to work on a lot of different projects using different techniques creating imagery and type for different trends and styles. I'd also like this job as it'd be fun to do and I believe I have the skills required to do it, another reason I'd like this as a job is because it would allow me to try new things in design and broaden my skills. I would like this job as it is constantly evolving and being asked for so I would always have something to do and would constantly be developing my skills and learning new styles and trends.

UI (User Interface) Artist

- Proven UI Experience
- UI Design Skills w/ Good Portfolio
- Proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, Omnigraffle or Other Visual Design Tools
- Proficiency in HTML, CSS and Javascript for Rapid Prototyping
- Good Visual Design Skills w/ Sensitivity to User-System Interaction
- Experience Working in an Agile/Scrum Development Process
- BS/MS in Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction Design or Related

- Ability to Present Designs & Sell Solutions to Various Stakeholders
- Ability to Solve Problems Creatively & Effectively
- Up-to-date with the Latest UI Trends, Techniques & Technologies
- Good Communication
- Good Grammar

This job would be great to do for me as I would love to create UI & HUD designs for games and to use various different softwares to experiment and create with. I would also like this job as it is something which is constantly being asked for so I'd never run out of work and it'd be a lot of fun creating various UI's and HUD's for different types and styles of games. It'd also be great to do this as a job as I'd always be learning new things and developing my skills.

Videogame Tester:

- Knowledge of Games
- Knowledge of Various Genres of Games
- Knowledge & Experience w/ Various Platforms & Consoles

- Good Grammar
- Good Communication
- Good Timekeeping
- Analytical Skills
- Understanding the Games Market & Ability to Play at High Levels
- Understanding of Quality Assurance Processes
- The Ability to Work Well as Part of a Team
- Negotiation Skills
- Ability to Work Under Pressure & Meet Deadlines
- Patience & Persistence, for Repetitive Work
- Great Attention to Detail
- Willingness to Work Flexibly
- Good Office Computer Skills

This would be another great job for me as I have a huge passion for gaming, I am quite competitive and can play at high levels of difficulty and skill, I also have good skills in reviewing and writing up in detail about my opinions, what's good and what's bad. I also would like to do this job as it would allow me to attend gaming events and travel the world to test and review games, it would also allow me to play a lot of great games before release and allow my opinion to be put out about games. My passion for games is huge and having a job which involves me playing games, attending gaming events or game studios and reviewing them to get my opinion across would be great as I love talking about games and my current life doesn't allow me to do all these things which I'd love to do but with having as a job would be great and create many opportunities for me.

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