Monday 11 January 2016

Research For My Story

After spending some more time on the internet and Pinterest looking through different things that can help with my project I found some really nice imagery that I can use for ideas towards my landscape and background designs for my project.

I like the design of this fan-made poster, the use of colour and effects is really good and can be used for my project, I like how the bat symbol in the bottom is pure white as if it were a stencil.

I really like this image as the focal point of the image has a plethora of colours and the image has a border within itself with the use of the trees, I like this style and has given me ideas to use for my project.

I really like the silhouetted style of this image, this has given me plenty of inspiration and ideas for my pop-up book and stop motion, I also like the use of white to highlight and add detail to the image.

I love the use of pale yet vibrant colours that really stand out, it gives the image a slight cold look to it but looks beautiful and is really effective, I will likely use a very similar combination of pale yet vibrant colours for my project as it looks really good.

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